Tetris Max 2.8 By Steve Chamberlin, copyright ©1996 Opinicus Microtech. Gameplay The rules of Tetris Max are simple. Oddly-shaped blocks appear at the top of the pit and drop toward the bottom. When a block reaches the bottom, it stops moving and a new block appears at the top. While blocks are dropping, they may be rotated or moved left or right. By manipulating blocks as they fall, you can control the place and orientation in which they land. The object of the game is to drop blocks so that they completely fill horizontal rows of the pit. When a horizontal row is completely filled with no gaps anywhere, it will disappear and the blocks in rows above will drop down to take their place. The game ends when the pit becomes entirely filled with blocks, so the more rows you clear, the more pieces you'll have room for, and the longer you'll be able to play. Scoring The number of points you receive for eliminating a row increases if you eliminate more rows at once. The first row eliminated by dropping a block is worth 100 points. If dropping the block eliminates two rows, you receive 100 for the first row and 200 for the second, for a total of 300. The third row is worth 300, and the fourth 400, so if you eliminate four rows with the dropping of a single piece, you are awarded 1000 (100+200+300+400) points. This makes eliminating two or more rows simultaneously more adventageous than eliminating the same rows one at a time. You also receive 1 point for each row that a block falls when you drop it. Lastly, there are ways of score large bonuses by making special plays, but you'll have to discover them yourself! Correspondence Feel free to contact me (Steve Chamberlin) with questions or comments. e-mail: Internet: granola@aol.com America Online: Granola U.S. mail: Opinicus Microtech P.O. Box 578 Belmont, CA 94002-0578